Learn Tokens in Dundas BI Part 2/6
Tokens in Dundas BI are a fantastic feature that you need to understand to maximize your ability to create powerful dashboards and reports. This is the second of a series of tips covering all 6 different types of Tokens in Dundas BI.
Attribute tokens allow you to perform user-based filtering, and it is unique among all different types of tokens. This is the mechanism in Dundas BI that allows for Role Level/Row Level/User Level security (call it what you want). Let’s create an example.
Do you know basic tokens but maybe not some of the more advanced ones? Check out the following:
Introduction to Tokens and Basic Tokens
->What is an Attribute Token?
What is a Relative Time Token?
What is Script Token?
What is a Data Token?
What is a Named Set Token?
If you’d like to learn more, I’d recommend you go to my learning channel - Off the Charts (with Jeff).