Introductions - Welcome to The Dundas Community!

New to business intelligence, old to business, no claim to intelligence. My role is Senior Systems Analyst, and I hope to connect the users to the truly useful information in our data bases, and differenctiate our company in the market for rental equipment and construction materials. We are headquartered in the Dallas / Fort Worth, Texas area. Very much looking forward to working with Dundas!

I'm a graduate of Science Information, in the University of Porto, Portugal.

I joined my company, Medidata.Net, in 2006 and worked there since. I'm a consultant and technician with our software, working with BI since last year.

I enjoy movies, music and football (which i think you call soccer), big Benfica fan!!

I'm a Director of Analytics for an institute within the Cleveland Clinic.

I'm happy 3.0 will be released soon.


I am a Senior BI Consultant at PBS in Turkey. I graduated from universty as a computer engineer. I'm studing MBA programme on Inovation Management at Yeditepe University.

I 've been working with the others BI tools for years. I've discovered Dundas BI last Octobre and It changed my life. We become partners with Dundas, and we made our first sale in Turkey. Now, I am also the Product Representative of Dundas BI. I believe that Dundas BI will dominate the BI world with the outstanding approaches in few years. I am really excited to be a part of it. And I really like The Cube.

Here's another introduction from ! It was posted in a separate thread, so I'm just moving it so all the introductions are together!


I am the Operations Manager at Advanced Logistics. Advanced Logistics provides marine logistics software. I work with our developers creating dashboards integrated into our software.

Hi I am Liang, a.k.a Leon, newest team member to the Dundas support team. This is my third week working at Dundas.

Hello! I'm a BI Developer, I work with Dundas Dashboards and Dundas BI for 2 years now and I like it so far

Welcome to the Cube Violeta! Great to have a Dundas BI veteran like yourself join our community!

Hi, my name is Catina Short with Daten System Consulting located in Mobile, Alabama. We have been with Dundas for 1 year as a partner and look forward to many more. I am a huge football of course , love technology and love camping (RV).

A football fan in Alabama! Roll Tide? Welcome to the Cube Catina! I'm thrilled to have you join us.

I am Program Manager of Analytics for the Neurological Institute at the Cleveland Clinic. I received my MBA from Cleveland State University. I have used Dundas for going on 6 years now and love it.

War Eagle...

Started the BI life as a guinea pig for SSRS beta many years ago and now I am somewhat of a data specialist.

Welcome to the Cube Charlie - it's great to have someone as veteran and versed with Dundas BI as yourself!

Pleasure to have you here with us Sergio!


I'm a technical writer at Dundas – working on bolstering the documentation for Dundas BI. Let me know if you think something is missing :)

Elia - It would be great to have a list (glossary) of all the topics in one place. Maybe Dundas has a doc on a topic, but I don't know it exists. A list to scan of all topics and videos would help me save time to narrow down documents to review or topics I never thought of.

Thanks for the suggestion, Steve. I will definitely look into possible ways to implement that.

I'm a consultant and part of the service delivery-team at Reports since November 1, 2014. First I started working with Dundas Dashboard and now I am working mainly with Dundas BI. Sometimes with Dundas Dashboard but we are migrating the dashboards to Dundas BI.

I am abdulmajeed qaddoumi

I am support engineer in infocloud on dundas

I like to dundas.