That other thread you linked to had a specific goal of automatically scrolling the table up and down, for example for dashboards displayed on TVs or other displays without input devices so that people can still see additional rows scrolled out of view. There may have been some miscommunication earlier, but that goal is possible like David mentioned using the API methods scroll or setScroll in script, depending on how exactly you wanted to scroll. “scroll” is like clicking inside the table and using the up and down arrow keys on the keyboard to scroll up and down, while “setScroll” allows you to set a specific pixel position that can accomplish precise or smooth scrolling. As long as scrolling occasionally pauses, additional data will load the same as if a user had been doing the scrolling.
If you instead have the goal of avoiding pauses or long loading times while scrolling a table, there are a number of different factors and use cases that can play into this. What is normally expected to happen is that your requested data is retrieved and processed once, and after it initially loads in your browser and you start scrolling, the table visualization is only asking for the next set of existing rows from the server from memory. This should normally come back almost instantly (i.e. a fraction of a second) regardless of the data source, the amount of data, or any other work done earlier such as transformations or formula calculations. If that’s not your experience for some of your tables, there can be different reasons for that.
If it takes a while for rows to load and you are still able to move the mouse over column headers or menu & toolbar icons and see their backgrounds & highlighting change, you’re waiting for the server, which is normally unexpected when you’re just scrolling around data that was already supposed to be in the data result cache. In some cases the problem might be a slower network connection between your browser and the Dundas BI server, or there might be something we should investigate in Dundas BI about your specific case.
If you’re waiting a longer time and moving the mouse over column headers and menus is having no effect, the browser is taking that time to render the rows, possibly because of a large number of columns as listed in the table’s Properties window under Columns or because of a large number of visualizations for data bar, bullet graph, or state indicator columns. In that case, loading more rows upfront can make the render time much slower and the browser unresponsive during that time, which we want to avoid. We do have reports (or scorecards or small multiples) meant to address longer render times by performing that rendering in the background and exporting a potentially long and/or complex report to PDF that you can scroll around freely.
I’m hoping here to come up with a common response but I think that each of your tables and scenarios may be quite different, and it’s possible we could help you with or investigate some of it. I’d encourage you to consider reaching out to support about your specific case if you’re not happy with the load times while scrolling so that we can sort through the different kinds of issues that may be occurring including the above, or we’d at least like to know more details to help determine any potential improvements to the product.