Hot off the press! This one’s a real page turner!
With the help of our VIPs - Larry Bell and Lynn Finke of Viamedia - we’ve put together another incredible success story that will have you on the edge of your seat.
In this story, we explored how Viamedia partnered with Dundas to implement a Business Intelligence application that has allowed them to better manage their distributed Sales team, and truly focus on achieving their goals. As a result, they’ve been able to collaborate and coach more effectively, have deeper insight into their data and what’s effecting performance, and are making data-driven decisions that have a measurable impact on the business.
Larry Bell is the Senior Programmer - Business Intelligence at Viamedia in Kentucky, and Lynn Finke is the Vice President of Analytics. They’ve been customers of Dundas since the early Dundas Dashboard days, and have since migrated to Dundas BI.
Viamedia Success Story <<< Read the story
After checking out the case study, feel free to leave any questions or comments for Larry and Lynn below!
If anyone is interested in learning how Larry built a blog-like function into his solution, check out this post