DBI Cheats

All of these are awesome.

I have posted a script to disable / enable the schedules of all cubes in a project.
This was in answer to a question, and is available here

Add weather historical data to map against your actual data, not just the weather now feature shown in the blog (https://www.dundas.com/support/blog/adding-weather-data-to-dundas-bi-is-a-breeze). Many retail purchasing activities are driven by weather events, for instance, people buy more chocolate when it cools, bbq items start selling quickly is weather improves especially after long cool periods. www.aerisweather.com has some great API data and historical data that can be downloaded.

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very helpful! good!!

yea, I agree with this. This is a tricky resource to use in the current format. And I imagine it will just keep getting BIGGER!

Not really a code specific cheat, but something the analysts and developers here are working on implementing / using is using a layer on our dashboards to communicate, keep script we’re using, data
 Especially for projects where one primary person is working on it and others may jump in occasionally, it’s nice to have this resource right there in a place you don’t have to hunt for it and go outside your workflow.

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very nice information

These are nice tips for all level of Dundas profesionals

Good information! Thanks!

Cool cheats, man! Thanks a lot!

I am constantly surprised by how intuitive Dundas is for design on most things. If you’ve worked in systems that aren’t, it’s easy to miss the little things that make live easier.

I agree that this blog could use some tags or topics to help organize it. It’s hard to find anything helpful.

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Point taken! We will do our best to gather all the nuggets in this thread and put them together somewhere it’s easier to access. We’ll keep you posted.

Not exactly a cheat, but something I learned while trying to get the combined value of 3 columns. Null values have to be treated as zeros if they are to be used in calculations.

Very helpful, saved lot of time Thanks to Dundas Cheat Sheets

Good job! Very interesting!

Did this post ever get indexed and placed outside of the blog post? Very interested to see what others have found.

Hi Kris,

I have a master table with two code ids that i join to a codes table. I need to get the same column from the codes table but for the respective code ids that were joined. I created the relationships already in the UI. How can I add the description column (for example, one is for status and one is for sub status but the code ids are different, I need to pull the “description” column that returns the respective values for status and substatus.