Use "Short Links" to Allow Users to Save Settings (Video Tip)

If you have several parameter options on your dashboards, you might want users to get back to their desired state when they open the dashboard. Here is a video introducing the concept of “Short Links” and even shows how to generate your own programmatically for cases where you want to provide a custom user experience.

Here is the script that I used:

// Call the Export Helper to generate our short link
var def = dundas.export.ExportHelper.getShortLink(dundas.context.baseViewService.currentView.control);
def.done(function (shortLink) {
  	// Our link is ready, provide it to the user
	window.prompt("Bookmark This", "YOUR  URL HERE"+shortLink);        

If you’d like to learn more, I’d recommend you go to my learning channel - Off the Charts (with Jeff).


This is something I was looking for! Thank Jeff!

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Glad this could help @semir.taletovic. Lucky timing, it seems.