Trouble with sending Dundas emails.

Hello everyone.

I've configured the email pickup directory as: "" (as my company uses the microsoft 365 server witht he port number 587.

Unfortunately when I attempt to send myself a test email I get an SmtpException.

The server response was: 5.7.57 SMTP; Client was not authenticated to send anonymous mail during MAIL FROM...

I expect that this has nothing to do with Dundas BI itself and has somehting to do with microsoft. But I can't find any useful help on resolving this online. Could someone please point me in the right direction?

Thanks in advance.

The Email Pickup Directory is for when the Email Delivery Type is set to Drop Folder. In your case, you be using the SMTP type instead.

The error you are getting is that the SMTP server requires authentication. You should use the SMTP Server Username and SMTP Server Password configuration settings to specify the credentials (both of these settings require the Show Advanced Settings checkbox to be checked).

Thank you for your help.