Trouble with filters/diff between datacube and dashboard

I’ve got three database views that pulls the same types of data (e.g. name, account number, description) for three different types of DEFERMENTS. I union the three datasets together with MANUAL SQL in my datacube and then dump it all on a dashboard as a table visualization.

I have two filters on the visualization (description and code, which is a subset of description), but only one of the three values of description or code is working when selected. However I get one result for a type that has 55 records in it and I get no results for the type that has one result in it.

Testing my data:

  • I’ve tested my data with a filter on the datacube and I get all three types of deferments as I expect.
  • I’ve tried changing the order of the unioned data in the datacube to see if maybe only the last view was pulling the data; that didn’t seem to be the issue.
  • I’ve tried changing my datacube to use a Dundas UNION with three manual queries; that didn’t seem to be the issue.

However I tried to promote my metric set and this is where I’m seeing that some of my data is getting lost between the data cube and the Metric Set.

When I run the same manual SQL queries in my database developer I see what I expect so I’m not sure how to fix this. Is this a known issue with v4?

I've sent this to support for assistance.