[TIP 99] - Styling Your Data Labels with HTML

Data labels are very powerful when it comes to showing key numbers (i.e., KPIs) on your dashboards and reports. The beauty of those labels is that they are not restricted to the numbers (measures) and categories (dimensions) from your data, but can actually include free text as well that you can enter under the "Label Text” property of the data label.

Using this property, you can make your data labels even more meaningful by providing descriptions and other supporting text. Taking this one step further, you can even style text within your data label using HTML.

For example, using simple HTML tags, you can bold the key parts of your data label text as demonstrated in the image below. The HTML tags can be entered directly in the “Label Text” property or can even be part of your data as stored in your data sources. To leverage HTML formatting in your data label, all you need to do is to enable the “Allow HTML Formatting” option under the Text properties of your data label.

PS - If you’re looking at the image above and aren’t sure about how we referenced the “Sales Amount” and “Country” values in the data label text, then take a look at the following placeholder keywords documentation