[TIP 79] Diving Into Deeper Analysis

When viewing your data visualizations on dashboards, there are often other questions that may come up. Answering those questions is often possible by using interactions on the visualizations (i.e. drill down or unique filters), but sometimes those questions require additional manipulations such as adding a formula, a comparison to a different period or even changing the current data elements you have in your visualization with other measures or dimensions.

While all of these operations can be done at the dashboard level, it is often easier to apply those analysis within the metric set designer where your entire screen real-estate is dedicated to your data discovery process. A quick shortcut to get to see your dashboard visualization is available under the context menu (right click menu): data tools -> analyze data.

Once you choose analyze data, the metric set designer will open with a copy of your metric set data within your own personal project. You can then change the metric set by using other elements you have within that metric set data cube (all the measures and dimensions you see on the right) or by using any other data tool such as formulas, period over period, states or selection interactions.

When you are done with your analysis, you can click on “Back to dashboard” and go back to your original visualizations. Note that if your dashboard is checked out to you, you will see an option to “Edit in full screen” rather than to “Analyze data”. In that case, your metric set will be automatically checked out and opened for you (vs. having a copy created under your personal project).