[TIP 61] Add Filters Faster with Smart Filters

Dundas BI offers many different types of filter controls to accommodate specific designs and user experiences one may want to create in their dashboards. These include controls such as member filter (drop-down list), date calendars, sliders, cascading filters, numeric filters and more specialized types of filters such as level, offset and dynamic filters.

One quick way to setup common filters on your dashboards is to use the smart filter under the filters menu. The smart filter will scan your dashboard metric sets and find an appropriate filter control (i.e. member filter for hierarchy, date filter for date dimension or numeric filter for measures) and will then connect the newly added filter to all of the similar elements on the same dashboard.

Essentially, it allows you to add a filter that can be applied to your entire dashboard with a single click!

Hey, nifty. I had not tried the Smart Filter feature. Because so many "smart" features I've tried have been disappointing, I was almost startled to see this one pick the exact filter I was about to add when I just tried it. I like it when things work.

Is this a preformatted block?            Cool.             Is it new?

It doesn't maintain spaces, though.

I think it is new, yes. Not ideal, but it's a good start :)

I should give this a try, I found my self draging the worng one a few times (the one to the right of the one I wanted). Mayby this will help with that.

Seems to me like Smart filters only tends to work with simple data. As soon as stuff gets a little complicated its starts not giving relevant filters. I guess its ok for on the fly filtering. Depnds on use case I
