Template Customization request

Hello Everyone

I have a requirement in our project where I want to create a responsive template in which I want to provide the specific order of the grid cells in which it should flow (see screenshot attached) .

I want to group all the widgets under the " Overview " section and group other set of widgets under " Results Summary " section.

But the default flow of Dundas responsive template is from left to right and then top to bottom which is causing my widgets under " overview " section to flow under " Results Summary " section.

Can someone please suggest how can I overcome this where respective widgets under " Overview " and " Results Summary " sections remain intact.

Aditya Dave


Sorry I’m responding a bit late, I didn’t see this posting earlier. Our responsive layout does have options such as header rows to keep certain cells on top and groups to keep certain cells together, but it doesn’t specifically maintain two sections side-by-side, it is looser than this about how the cells are arranged. If you want this, I think a better choice for you may be the “Resize” setting, which still dynamically resizes the cells to fit various sizes of screens, but doesn’t wrap or otherwise re-arrange the cells. You may also want to select the option Ignore Aspect Ratio On Re-size.

If you wanted the cells within the two sections to flow or re-arrange themselves while maintaining an Overview section to the left of your Results Summary section, another possibility I see is to make these two separate Responsive dashboards and to drag them both onto a third dashboard set to Resize where the Overview dashboard is kept narrower and on the left.

I hope one of this works for you.

Hi Jamle

Thanks for the response . I have already tried the resize approch and it did not work as expected. But I will try the second approach of 3 dashboards and will let you know if it works. Thanks again for the response :slight_smile:

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