Share notifications inside a team


Suppose I have a team (with eg. userA and userB), creating notifications for some clients.

Those notifications should be owned by the team, not by individual users. This means that userA should be able to see/edit/run notifications of userB and reciprocally.

Is there a way to do this apart from sharing team logins?


I am not aware of anything, if there is away or if this become a feature request I would vote for it to be medium high on the todo list.

Assuming you don’t want UserA and UserB to be administrators of the entire instance, this can be done if you are using multi-tenancy and set UserA and UserB as administrators for that tenant (note UserA and UserB will need to created as accounts under that tenant). Then these users will be able to access the admin panel and manage all the notifications created by users that belongs to that tenant.

What if you are not using multi-tenancy?

Al my users are in my AD.

If you are not using multi-tenancy then users will need to be administrators to edit other users notifications. The fact that all of your users are in AD shouldn’t make a difference here whether you do use multi-tenancy or not.

But I have them accessing different projects, so some tokens they can change and some they should not.
We all know they wont touch the ones that are not theirs on purpose but I even clicked the wrong project and gave permissions to it id didn’t need.

How can I make so that a leader in an AD group or everyone in that group can change a token but not be an admin?

Sorry I think i have taken over your question.

Are your teams in different tenants, or are like me and in one?

Thanks James and Ariel for the discussion, and no worry at all James, I’m very happy to see that I am not the only one wondering.

I indeed only have one tenant and mutli-tenancy would be overkill for me. Making all users full admin is out of the question as well.

While looking at other options, this actually lead me to another question. Imagine that userA created a notification (or probably anything else for that matter), then userA quits and their account is blocked. How can userB take over? For notifications at least, there is no way to change the owner. There might be ways to completely duplicate objects with a new owner but it sounds very brittle to me.

I think an admin can Copy it over or change who it is going to at least.
But yes for notifications and Tokens it would be nice to to have a sub admin that can only see their group of notifications and tokens to go administer. especially for those of us one man admin shops, or even ones that have more what admin want to be fixing notification for people all the time?

I smell a feature request, do you?

but please lets get my current issue ticket fixed first :worried:

I do smell a feature request indeed:
I worded it in term of group ownership which fits my use case closer, instead of (sub-)admin right.

The feature request is noted and will be evaluated going forward. In the meantime, the best practice is to have an admin user modify notifications/tokens created by other users if they are not able to do so on their own. Please note that you can assign the admin role to a standard user as well and it doesn’t require any additional licenses so for example, you can have a standard user set as an admin without Developer capabilities just for the sake of editing notifications etc.

My point is that giving them Admin they can do other stuff like add accounts and delete things.
That why I suggested sub Admins that can only change Notification and tokens, by what group they are in.

I have to agree with James, admin rights are too dangerous. Not considering that users would purposefully do bad things, but the potential for trouble is too high.

I was trying to duplicate the group ‘system admin’ to create a sort of ‘notification admin’ group. But as far as I understand it, this would not work, an admin is an actual admin because they are part of the actual ‘system admin’ group, not specifically because of the permissions inside of this group. Is my understanding correct?

We need to call it something else beside Admin. Group/Project Notification Manager and Project Token Manager? or Maintainer, Janitor, or… other ideas

and yes two separate ones just in case it is two different people.

Yes - your understanding is correct. The feature request of allowing non-admin users to edit notifications/tokens created by others (using some logic such as notification admins etc.) is still valid. I just wanted to mention what is the current approach to allow multiple users to edit notifications and that is indeed using admin users.