Script to Clear Personalization/ delete Named set Token

Hi ,

Is there a script to clear personalization settings or delete Named set token without going to profile?

I have added this 2 features for our standard users of the dashboard but in our current settings, the user doesn’t have access on the main menu so he has no option to clear personalization settings or delete Named set token.

Thanks in advance.

Also, is it possible to set this feature to a group of user only? Not for all inheriting from Standard users.

I have a group inheriting from Standard Users. In the Standard users, I set the Personalization to DENY, then on the Group I set Personalization to ALLOW. I chose ALLOW because its allowing to select that option. But when I tried, it doesn’t work

Hi @roehl,

Have you tried this to clear personalization?

With a quick look in the documentation there is a REST call to help you delete tokens which should help you.

For your question on permissions, any DENY action always takes precedence over allow which i believe is why you are having issues. I think it’s better to leave no permission and then only give allow to the groups that require it.

Have a good weekend

Thanks Jeff. I’ll check the 2 scripts/ documentation you provided.

But for the question on permission. Sorry I think I’m not quite following.
The Standard User only has 2 option, ALLOW or DENY. There’s no option for NOT SET, so we choose ALLOW. Then in the group that inherited the Standard user, yes we set this also to ALLOW. Now the problem is, there are other existing groups and accounts that are directly inheriting from the Standard User and this will surely affect their current application privileges too. I’m looking for a way to how to make this work without touching the existing set-up for the existing groups or accounts.

Hi @jeff,

I’ve tried the script to clear personalization, changed the fileSystemEntryId with the Dashboard ID I got from the properties. Then hit the refresh button of the browser to reload the page.

But the previous stored parameter values still there. Was expecting to be reset to default parameter values.

For the
REST call , can’t find a sample how to use it in java script. I think this good when using 3rd party app like .NET and trying to embed the Dundas BI dashboard.


Hi @roehl ,

Are you sure it’s an issue of personalization? There is no chance that the dashboard was checked in with a certain parameter value? Perhaps you could test with an admin user as personalization isn’t saved for these users.

If you’re looking for a general idea of how to use a rest API via JavaScript, take a look at our account object as there is a sample here.|Account|_____1

Alternatively, could we use the TokenService class from the js API?

I’m not personally familiar with that API but it sounds like it.