Script for IF & Return statement

I’m trying to write a script that based on a Category will return a value when that if statement is fulfilled, it looks something like the below. Can anyone help? Thanks.

if ($course_title$ return = “Energyaware (40mins)” {return $Actual score Expression$}

if ($course_title$ == “Energyaware (40mins)”) {return $Actual score Expression$}

You’ve got slanted/curly quotes instead of straight ones.

Probably the cube trying to look good.

Thank you David (20 character…)

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No probs (that char limit is a pain)

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Just wanted to say thank you for this question and answer – it’s helping me figure out a similar issue. Your expertise is helping 2 years later :wink:


@david.glickman is not the hero we deserve but the hero we needed!
(I finally found a place to use that quote.)