Scorecard Hierarchy Scripting

I’m attempting to implement custom drill-down and drill-up functionality on scorecards embedded in a dashboard. All the examples refer to this.control or this.parentView.control, however these objects don’t seem to exist in an onClick event in a scorecard item.

Anybody have a suggestion?


Hi Mark,

As long as you’re using the click event for a control on the scorecard you should certainly have access to these objects. Please see my debugger below…

Are you using the onClick inside of the scorecard itself? Or trying to implement it from the dashboard? (you should use the former)

hope this helps

Thanks Jeff.

A simple case of user stupidity. It helps to call your script action BEFORE the drilldown action and the object goes out of scope.


Is it possible to reference a control in a sibling container on a dashboard? I want to control drill down/up of another scorecard contained in the same dashboard.

Do you mean that you have two dashboards on a single dashboard using the container control? Talking from each child?