Reference of all Dundas icons?

I am looking for a reference of all icons used in Dundas software.

I came across the following icons, and I cannot find their meaning (there is no tooltip on hover):

Does such document exists?

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Hi Matthieu,

We currently don’t have any documentation regarding the icons. The above icons are related to data connector and the green key icon is pointing to the key filed in that structure and orange one is belongs to dimension and the green one pointing to measures.

Closest I could find was documentation on the data connector and connection process in general here but nothing on icons specifically.

Thanks @Denil,

Yes, comprehensive documentation of the app icons could be an interesting addition to the Dundas docs.

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Hi Matthieu,

We’ve heard your feedback about these icons and explained them as a ‘Tip’ in the main article on metric sets. They are only there to hint at each column’s data type and match the colour coding of the green measures and orange hierarchies you see in the Data Analysis Panel. The tooltip may only vaguely help in this case by listing the technical data type name from the data source.

In general Dundas BI provides built-in references either with tooltips on hover or with text beside any icons when they are meaningful, and the documentation may not duplicate all this information but should certainly try to fill in any gaps or points of confusion such as this.

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