Notes and Annotations


For a certain project managers would like staff to be able to enter notes but not be able to delete notes.

I see the ability to set security permissions for each individual note. Is there a way to set the permission for all notes to be able to create notes but not delete them?

Would like to avoid data input if possible.

Thank you

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Annotations are created as entries in the Dundas BI virtual file system. For new annotations, they are created directly under the “Annotations Root Folder”, and for replies, they are created under the annotation being replied to.

There’s no way to do it from the UI, but you could use the API to deny the Delete privilege on that root folder to specific accounts and/or groups. Unfortunately, this is application-wide - that is to say, there’s no way to do it on a per-project basis.

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Thank you Rob! I appreciate your quick response.