Maximizing / Restore Down via Custom Button (Video Tip)

Any user viewing a dashboard or report in Dundas BI can right-click and bring up a context menu to allow for full-screen analysis. One of our users asked if it would be possible to full screen a visualization without the need to right-click by adding a button directly on the dashboard. The ask was also for a custom background colour rather than the default transparent background. While the out of the box functionality does not give you the choice of background colour, we can modify the behaviour in Dundas BI using a custom CSS override. I’ll show you how we can do this via script and an override to get our desired behaviour and any colours we want.

// Call the Maximize Command and Execute
var canvasService = this.getService("CanvasService");
var commandService = this.getService("CommandService");

// Override the background colour when in full screen mode
$(".modal-overlay").css('background-color', 'red');

If you’d like to learn more, I’d recommend you go to my learning channel - Off the Charts (with Jeff).