Map that has shapes with no data. Prevent a popup

I have a map visualization and some of the shapes do not have data and are gray. I created an interaction to show a popup when a shape is clicked. I set up parameters to so that the popup only shows data for the shape that is clicked. When I click on a shape that has data, everything works as expected.

When I click on a shape that does not have data, I get the popup with unfiltered data.

I would like to prevent the popup when a no-data shape is clicked. Any ideas on how I can do that?



Hello Matt,

Currently, there is no out-of-the-box feature that can disable the pop-up interactions firing event. The default behavior is to filter for all when no data present. I have filed a Feature Request for this to be implemented (Issue 73144), and will notify you of any progress.

Our developer in charge of this section of Dundas BI is currently out of the office. Once he is back, we will try to come up with a potential solution to provide you.

In the meantime, could you please inform me what version of Dundas BI you are working in followed by severity this feature has to your project?



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I appreciate it.

Right now I have a script on the popup dashboard's Ready event. If the filter is set to All then I close the popup right away. It's not perfect as the popup shows for a second, but it's acceptable for now.


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Dear Matt …
Could you please explain how you worked on it, even if it was temporary?

Or if the problem has been resolved in V8.0.2.1004

Thank you …

This question was answered in this thread, Click on part of charts does not have data.

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