Javascript window.scrollTo doesn't work with overflow: hidden

I have a Click Interaction on a label that exists below the fold on the viewport. The interaction pops up a new layer, and that layer’s view is still below the fold (the scrollbar is in the same position). Is there a way to include a script task to scroll back to (0,0) when the user clicks the label so that the user doesn’t have to scroll back to the top of the page after they pop up the layer?

I’ve tried window.scrollTo(0,0), but it sounds like it won’t work when <body> 's overflow: hidden.

I’ve also tried:
document.body.scrollTop = 0;
window.location.href = “#midSectionWrapper”;

For something like this, you probably don’t want to use to pure document and window methods. There is an API that allows you to center the canvas to a particular view model