I have an issue with the time zone setting, I have a Dashboard that writes DateTime values thru a stored procedure in a table in the DB, the value stored corresponds exactly to what has been selected (I mean the year, month, day, hours and minutes).
BUT when I read those values, thru a Datacube, without setting whatever Time hierarchy on the DateTime values in order to keep the hours and minutes values, the hours gets updated in order to match the time zone I’m in (GMT +2).
To be clear, I declare the “19th of May 2021 9 a.m.” thru a range date filter, it’s stored with those values in the table, but when I read it, thru the Datacube, I get the “19th of May 7 a.m.”. I guess it’s due to the Default Time Zone in the general settings.
But my question is: why is the Time Zone taken into account when reading the DateTime from the DB if nobody asks for it specifically, can’t this be optional?
Is there a way to get rid of this in a smart way, or do I have only one option: change the default time zone to be at GMT +0?
Because if I add hours to the parameter before passing it to the stored procedure, the values I will deal with in the DB will not reflect the values selected by the end user when read by whatever platform but Dundas. And most of all: during 6 months we are at GMT +1, and at GMT +2 during the other 6 months.
Any help is welcome.