Is it possible to enforce "Dependency" among filters via JS?

Currently, I’m working with bridge parameters as filters and sadly they don’t support the built-in dependency of the filters of Dundas.

But is it possible to enforce that dependency through JS scripting?


Hi Renzi,

Can you be a little bit more specific about your goal? Are you trying to create dependent filters for security reasons?

Depending of your conditions/data types the dependent filter feature might not be compatible.

The goal is for the user to only have the values in the next filter that are related to the first filter. For example, the first filter would be the product then the next filter would be the categories. When I select a product the category filter would just show values for the selected product.

Thanks for the clarification Renzi. Your question is still a bit of an unknown to me because if you have the data to properly drive a dependency / cross filtering model, you might not have the need to use bridge parameters in the first place. My reason for saying this is because we have seen several cases where users try to implement bridge parameters when then don’t actually need them.

If you’re 100% sure you need the bridge parameters and can’t solve your case without them, you could try abstracting the filter. Doing something like this:

From above. Create two filter controls on the dashboard that is backed by a lookup table such that they can have a dependency together without script. Once the parameter values are changed (or on a button), create fire a script that will write the value of the filters to your bridge parameters.

As you can see there is quite a bit here and the setup can vary wildly depending on your setup and what you are trying to do. If you continue to have trouble, i’d recommend reaching out to our customer success representative who can sit down with you and take a deeper look to offer advice. If you’re not sure who this is, let me know and i’ll find them for you.

Here are some supporting documents in case you want to attempt my abstraction idea.

Working with dependent filters:
How to script parameters :

thanks @jeff
I will try the abstraction solution and see if it works.