Images in column headers

I have a number of metrics which are my rows in a table. Each column in the table is another brand.
I need to get brand logos to display as my column headers. What’s the easiest way to achieve this?

Hi David,

Almost all properties normally used for colour also support images (and gradients), so if these are regular columns under a table’s “Columns” in the Properties window, you could go to each column’s properties, and in the Look tab expand Header Background, change its Brush to “Image” and set the image options. If the headers need to be taller for the images, you can go to the table’s Look tab, click on Column Header Style and set up padding in the Layout tab.

I’m not sure if by “metrics are my rows in a table” you meant that your table is transposed and maybe you have a brand dimension/hierarchy producing your columns, which might mean you can’t customize each column separately like the above. There may still be a way to use an image column, state styles, or something else depending on your scenario.

Thanks for your response @jamie.cherwonka. It is indeed an often overlooked but powerful feature that in Dundas every colour can be an image.
I’m not sure I can use that here as the columns are coming from my data. So in my metric set I have a brand column which I’m using to generate the columns, with one column per value. Not transposed but from a hierarchy.
My data setup and table look like the below, and I need to replace ‘Brand A’ etc with their appropriate logo.

Score: a percentage
Rows: metric column
Columns: brand column

Table looks like
`| | Brand A | Brand B | Brand C

Satisfaction | 5% | 10% | 15%
Complaints | 5% | 10% | 15%
Loyalty | 5% | 10% | 15%`

I would guess that adding a state indicator column would work best, where you can set up a state for each brand and display it next to your text. If you wanted the brand displayed only in the top row, this should be possible by adding another condition to each state. In the state indicator’s state styles in Properties, each brand can be set up to use either an uploaded image or any URL as the background and you could change the Symbol from the default Ellipse to Rectangle so the images are cropped. You could also set up state styles for a text column, but this would display images centred behind the text or filling the cell.

If you don’t necessarily know all the brands ahead of time but have a naming convention you can use to access the images for each brand based on your data, you can add an Image column, setting the Image Path with keywords from your data. (You can add either of these types of columns even if the metric set is transposed, although yours isn’t transposed.)

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Not knowing the full details of your requirements I sometimes use Small Multiples or the Scorecard for this use case. You can also create a tabular structure with that including the images using a data image visual and then embed that onto your dashboard. I did something similar once for visualizing election results with the logos of the parties.


What I need is logos based on brands in column headers. And I can’t seem to do that in Dundas tables.
I’m probably just going to go with a table with fixed width columns and have static images alongside…