Identifying Errors


I know that Dundas is capable of executing actions when an error occurs upon data change. Is there a way to identify the error then display a particular message for it?



Hi Renzi

These errors from the server are found in the data result’s exception property. For example, for a single metric set: this.metricSetBindings[0].dataResult.exception

If not null, this is normally a .NET exception, including a “Message” property. The identifying information from an exception is this message as well as a ClassName property that would tell you it was a System.InvalidOperationException, for example.

You could do something like set this.hidden (for the visualization) and show a label with a message. If you were doing this more generally without checking for a specific error, you wouldn’t need to use script and could use a Change Layer action instead.


This works for me. Thank you so much.

