How do I calculate the moving average the other way around?

I'm using the MOVAVG function on some month over month data I have from the last 2 years. By default it is calculating the moving average starting at the oldest values (ie. august 2015), when it should be starting with the most recent data (ie. august 2017). How do I get it to calculate the moving average in the way outlined above?

The moving average will take the whole window of data you are showing and compute the progressive average. This means that all you have to do is filter the data, and it will start at your filtered oldest value. If you are interested in presenting the data for the whole two year period but the moving average only for the last month for example, you will have to use two metric sets – one showing the whole range and a second one filtered to just the month, which you will use for the computation.

If that's not what you are trying to acheive, could you elaborate on your scenario?

This could be due to ordering of the Date time dimension you are using in your rows. Select the Metris set or data visualization and click on the data preview tab to see how the rows are ordered. It may be a case of simply chganging the order of the date time dimensions from ascending to descending.

It this compromises any other ordering; another approach would be to use the "add period over period" feture in the Data tools tab, to align the calculated MOVAVG field to the proper dates.