How can I do a unique count?

Hello everyone.

I've been trying to figure out how to do a unique count, but I haven't been able to find how. In my case, I am measuring volunteer support. While we can easily get the total number of participations, I can't seem to find how to get the number of unique individuals.

When I do a count by the row field "Account_ID", I get a count of the total number of instances that account has participated. I just want to know how many unique ones we have.

Thanks in advance!

If your individuals have an unique id or similar, you can use that. I have some studies where each respondent has a unique alphanumeric id which comes in as a dimension. You may need to change your 'Account ID' field to a dimension if it is a measure.

If you drag a dimension into the measures area of the data analysis panel, it will count the occurances of values in the measure. Here you can see I have done that with my uuid (unique user id) dimension.Image title

Now click the pencil in the hierarchy turned measure and select 'distinct count' in the rather than a count.

Image title

David is correct - try to drag the hierarchy onto measures as mentioned in Tip #10. There is also more detailed documentation about it here.

It's weird, because the count doesn't let me select DistinctCount. See the attached screenshot:

Looks like you are trying to use the built in count measure. Instead, try to drag the dimension on the measures as detailed here. Then you should see the option to aggregate to count or distinct count.

Ahhhhh, now I see. It was that, I was using count without thinking it would be any different from dragging it.
