How can I access slicer used in a stacked bar chart.

I have a stacked bar chart. On the click upon any bar, I need to access data of slicer used in the chart.
Using this script I am only able to access the column of series.
e.relatedData.metricSetBinding.dataResult.cellset.columns[e.relatedData.columns[0]].members.find(m => m.__classType == ‘’)

Can Anyone have an idea of how to access the slicer part of the chart? It will be a great help.

Hi @anupam.mishra,

I don’t believe that the slicer value is available in this way. Slicers are typically ‘silent filters’ which do not return values into a dataset. If you want access to the slicer value, you could hook up a parameter to your slicer and then read the parameter via script.