Hiding expanders


Is there a way to hide the expanders of the last element of a hierarchy?

I’ve tried to look into the options but no dice. I’m looking into scripting it out but no luck there too.




We have received your inquiry in Dundas Support and we will keep track of this issue by replying to your email.

Any update? I need help with this as well.

I re up vote this too, as I have also inquired about this before.
I do not see the need to have an expander on the last child node.

Kristi and James,

The issue is happening when using an OLAP data source. Is this the same situation for you?
Please note I am working with @renzi.mendoza through the support email channel to resolve this issue.

Kristi and James,

The issue is happening when using an OLAP data source. Is this the same situation for you?
Please note I am working with @renzi.mendoza through the support email channel to resolve this issue.

Thank you for the reply. Christian was able to point me in the right direction via another thread I opened about another issue with this one as a side issue. :smile: (see picture below.). Thought I would share here too.

Worked like a charm!

No problem at all. That’s right you can control the Expanders as Chris explained but the issue Renzi reported cannot be resolved in this way. Thank you for the update.

I would love to be able to turn off expanders at any level, as sometimes I don’t want them showing and don’t want to drill further on that particular visualization. I know the trick to only show them on hover, but then they annoyingly show up on hover and I’d rather they didn’t show up ever.

You can hide the expanders:
or show them only on hover. So if you want to hide the expanders from some levels it would be better to modify the hierarchy. My point is if you don’t want sometimes to see the child at some level of the hierarchy there should be logic so that you can customize the hierarchy based on that.

Thanks @Inactive-Member-11588809 Do you have any further information on where I could find that “hide expander” option? I took a look at a few of my dashboards and I don’t see where it’s located. Is it a version issue? We are still on version 6 here.

In the Main tab, under Row Header Columns , select the column and click the Hide Expander option to hide the expanders:


I don’t see that option when I look at several table visualizations that I have with expanders. I’m not sure what I can do about that, but thanks for responding anyway

I can not find the " In the Main tab, under Row Header Columns , select the column and click the Hide Expander option" either.

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I can’t find the “Hide Expanders” option on the Row Hierarchy options, either.

Another possible solution on the table’s Properties pane > Main > Interactivity > Allow Collapsing Separate Hierarchies. This worked for me. One caveat though, is if the “last” hierarchy is a user-defined hierarchy, the expanders will still be visible.

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Please make sure you are on Dundas BI version 7. Hiding the Expanders on a hierarchy when using a table is a new feature version 7.