Happy Holidays!

Since I can’t find a “general chat” category and the description of this category is blank, I’m going to pop this here:

I’d like to wish the happiest of holidays to my friends at Dundas and my fellow VIPs.

Also, thanks to Dundas for the gift basket! My wife may not approve of me eating nuts and caramel corn in lieu of lunch, but she doesn’t have to know, right? :wink:

Cheers and thank you again for all the support over the past year!


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That’s awesome Matt! Wishing you a very happy holidays as well! Make sure not to fill up on the snacks too much and save some room for the upcoming holidays dinner feasts!

Thank you for all of your support as well and we can’t wait to see what 2020 has in store for us in The Cube!

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Thanks for my Basket too. I in addition to getting the wonderful basket got a funny store and great laugh out of it.
So I work from home but go into the office on Tuesdays and today (Monday) a coworker tells me I have a package on my desk. I asked who From? and she replied back in chat with “Basketfits something…”. So I googled it and got https://www.google.com/search?q=Basketfits&rlz=1C1GCEU_enUS835US835&oq=Basketfits&aqs=chrome…69i57.849j0j7&sourceid=chrome&ie=UTF-8. So, now at this point I am wondering who sent me Meat Processing Equipment.
I eneded up running to the office because I am off for the rest of the week and could not wait until next year to find out what this package was all about and who sent it.
Thanks not only for the Basket but for a great Laugh.

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