I'm having some difficulty with labelling the x axis of a bubble chart. The look I'm going for is to have month names at the ticks, regardless of whether there's data, followed by a row showing the year, with the bracketty things showing which months are attached to which year where multiple years are shown.
We have done this before in other dashboards and it has worked perfectly, but for the life of me I just can't seem to duplicate it in the dashboard I'm working on. I have copied the properties from a working example (from the x axis properties), but I still get the wrong output. What I'm seeing is two rows, as expected, but both rows are formatted like "January 2017". I know there's the option to change the format in the properties and specify a format string like yyyy or MMMM or whatever, but we haven't done that in the one that works, and if I do that I don't get the nice brackets to show the grouping. Is there something I'm missing somewhere? Maybe in how I've set up the hierarchy or something? I will try to add some explanatory images so you can see what I mean shortly.