Forcing a password change on first login

Is there a way to force a user to change their password when they log in for the first time?

Good question!

At the moment, that functionality is not available. I submitted a feature request to have this implemented and added you as a submitter (so you will be informed as soon as it is implemented).


Please note that while this speicifc option doesn't exist at the moment out of the box, there are a few configurations you can setup around your password policy - here is a screen shot from the admin - setup - config options: Image title

To add to Ariel's comment, there is also a password expiry date that you can set on a per user basis.

If I really really had to do it, I would approach it something like this.

Create a cube with users in and a column to check if they have been logged in before.

When they first log in, send them to a dashboard or run a script which checks the cube and redirect/popup a password change dashboard, which asks for a new password and then changea it via the API.

Mark in the cube that they've logged in before so next time you don't redirect them.

This only works for end users who are going direct to a dashboard though not to the home page. On second thoughts, you could probably do something in the Javascript overrides to catch everyone on login.