Export table with stored procedure as a source

Hi all,

I have a table which is generated trough a Stored Procedure which uses 4 parameter values from the dashboard. The table loads (and the procedure triggers) on the click of a button.

The table is loaded and displayed correctly but when I try to export using a script, the table which exports has only the headers, without the values in it. (I only need the export function on a button with script - no trough the built in Share option)

I assume that this is happening because the parameters used to generate the table and trigger the Stored Procedure, aren’t passed from the dashboard to the back-end in the script that I am using.

Tried to add these parameters into the export script as in this example (https://www.dundas.com/support/developer/script-library/export/exporting-with-parameters) , but no result.

Do you have any ideas on how to proceed with this? I am using Dundas

Thank you!

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@octavian.popescu due to the complexity of this issue, if you require assistance from Dundas Support, please send an email to support@dundas.com and we can create a formal support ticket.