Execute context menu options by script.

We are looking at customizing the look of dashboards as much as possible by adding buttons/icons that replicate or trigger functionality of toolbar and context menu items. Many application options can be shown with “dundas.controls.$$$$$Dialog().show();”. For context menu items is a bit more tricky. What would be the best way to identify the script being executed? I have been trying to do this with the browser developer tools but no luck so far. For this particular case, we what to show the “FIlter” (right click - FIlter) associated to a DataGrid when clicking on an icon.



The developer tools will be very helpful for anything that is application specific using the REST API like re-building a DataCube or changing administration options. Sadly, the browser developer tools will not give you a lot of information about the JavaScript API that is used for many of the toolbars.

You’re best bet is to look at the Script Library as many of these are buttons have corresponding samples.

If you are looking to re-implement a button where you can’t find a sample, reach out to the Dundas support team and they can likely provide something for you.

Failing these two and you’re still stuck, find me!!