Dundas Certification Test

Hi all!
Our team is new to Dundas, having only had it for about 3 months. We’ve been working through eLearning, as well as had 4 half days of live training. We have the goal of all of us being certified by the end of the year. What tips and tricks do you all have for studying for the test? Are there any (official or unofficial) practice tests out there? I have done my first attempt, after doing well on the quizzes after the e-learning courses, and did not do very well. I’d like to help my team be better prepared for their first attempts.
Thank you!

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Hey Rachel,

One of the biggest tips is to play with the application. The certification is based partly on what we’ve learned and what we (as users) do in it.

A great resource outside of the training content is Off the Charts with Jeff. His videos cover some of the topics included, and go into some interesting detail about topics we’ve covered in training, and some that we didn’t cover. Definitely worth a watch.

Finally, there’s reading the some of the blog posts, and looking at some of the sample we have on our support site to see how those items get put together.

If you reach out to learning@dundas.com, they can look at the attempt and can send some additional tips/topics :grinning:





Hi @RachelTobin

I took the certification in December.
I agree with what @mark.barciak is writing - the best way to prepare for the test is to play around with Dundas BI as much as possible, and play around with all aspects of Dundas BI. Some of the questions in the certification were quite specific and detailed, meaning you pretty must know where in the application you have that functionality.
Good luck :slight_smile:

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Thank you! I’ll be playing around a lot more in it now. I appreciate the response!

Thank you, Mark! I plan on diving into specific topics on Off the Charts and blog posts before my next attempt. Are the questions similar, I assume, for each attempt? Same questions?

Hey Rachel,

They’ll be the same questions, just in a random order each time.


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