DBI Cheats

Wow - that's good information. Going to add that one to our internal list (I'll never remember how to do it, but I'm sure one of our clients will ask for something along these lines).

Thanks for playing!!

That's exactly what it was, Kris. After work hours I was wrapping up and looked at the Smartthings hub under my desk...and back at Dundas. I had a "Wouldn't it be fun to..." moment and a bit later I had a light switch. Lol.

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Jeff, your light switch is amazing! lol

Not a problem =). I'm glad to see you here!

There are a lot of nice things that can be done with Dundas and our support team always tries to add new articles to the site as soon as we have a good idea about the topic!

This page may be useful as it contains all the .NET services available in Dundas BI .NET API:

http://www.dundas.com/support/api-docs/net/#OtherContent/Using Dundas BI .NET/WorkingWithServices.html%3FTocPath%3DUsing%20Dundas%20BI%20.NET%7C_____3

I don't have any now. But now I know where to add if I have one

Yeah a cheat of the day sounds like a great idea!!

If you missed the webinar I did a while back, it's got some cool tricks:

This was really helpful. I alwaysd feel so isolated when Im developing dashboards so its great to have access to a forum of other Dundas Users and tips and tricks like this

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Great idea this forum.It's not easy to work only as dashboard developer because you have noone wirh who to share challange!!!Let's hope that with this we all ,will learn together....

Thank you for everyone contributing! Very helpful and I will be sure to share these!

Does anyone have any ideas (or hacks) about conditionally formatting X number of seconds (bigint) as either minutes, hours, or days--similar to the K M B formatting?

So my total-geek reaction upon opening this link was "Oooooohhhh!! Aaaaahhhhh!!!" That's a lot of information. :)

Tom - I likely won't be much help, but are your seconds stored independently of any other data element (as a bigint)? I thought maybe we could create a time dimension then apply it to this element, but DBI doesn't recognize integers as valid use for a time dimension. If you convert your integers to a datetime value, then the time dimension thing might work (i.e., add the number of seconds since 1/1/1970 to the existing integer).

It's a stumper, for sure.

If it was our help desk system which is using the UNIX milliseconds I could do that but in this case I'm using datediff(second, dateOpened, dateClosed) to show how long it is taking our providers and staff to respond to messages in our EHR system. At the moment it is all over the place from hours to (literally) years so I didn't want to settle on one, but I may just need to bite the bullet and go with hours.

Jeff... crazy!!

Here's another cheat from our list:


  1. Create a localization file called: LocalizationOverride_{0}.xml where {0} is the language. For now, "en-us" is supported. So it will be LocalizationOverride_en-us.xml .
  2. Copy the created file to the same folder as the deployment application. By default it looks like this: [C:\Program Files (x86)\Dundas Data Visualization Inc\Dundas BI\Setup\2.5 ]
  3. Edit the file to have contents like:

<?xml version="1.0" encoding="utf-16"?> <ArrayOfLocalizationItem xmlns:xsd="http://www.w3.org/2001/XMLSchema" xmlns:xsi="http://www.w3.org/2001/XMLSchema-instance"> <!-- Text --> <LocalizationItem><Key>GS_OVERVIEW</Key><Value>BooooOverview</Value></LocalizationItem> <LocalizationItem><Key>GS_WHITE_LABEL_SHORTCUTS_DEFAULT_INSTANCES_FOLDER</Key><Value>Programs\Dundas Data Visualization, Inc\Dundas BI\Instances</Value></LocalizationItem> <!-- Images --> <LocalizationItem><Key>GS_WHITE_LABEL_ABOUT_LOGO_DARK_IMAGE_URL</Key><Value>C:\Users\davidg\Pictures\200px-McDonald's_Golden_Arches.svg.png</Value></LocalizationItem> <LocalizationItem><Key>GS_WHITE_LABEL_ABOUT_LOGO_LIGHT_IMAGE_URL</Key><Value>C:\Users\davidg\Pictures\200px-McDonald's_Golden_Arches.svg.png</Value></LocalizationItem> </ArrayOfLocalizationItem>

Change the Key: <LocalizationItem><Key>GS_WHITE_LABEL_SHORTCUTS_DEFAULT_INSTANCES_FOLDER</Key><Value>Programs\Dundas Data Visualization, Inc\Dundas BI\Instances</Value></LocalizationItem>

There is a nice chunk of code that I use over and over that makes interactions even greater! I use it, for example, when I want to set the "All" token in one or more filters just by chaning the value of another! The snippet is self explanatory and you cant set it on the "Click" or "value changed events:

var view = window.dundas.context.baseViewService.currentView;
var viewParam = view.control.viewParameters.toEnumerable().first(function(vp) {
return vp.name === "viewParamTarefa"; // name of the parameter that you want to set


var myToken = new dundas.data.ParameterToken({
"caption": "All",
"id": dundas.constants.ALL_TOKEN_DEFINITION_ID

viewParam.parameterValue.token = myToken;



Many users asked for interdependent filters, which means that the user makes a selection on one filter and then a second filter only shows the members that are applicable from the selection of the first filter. We created a great support article that you can find here: http://www.dundas.com/support/master/support-center/support-articles/parameters-filters/create-interdependent-filters-using-independent-hierarchies

I'm totally stealing this code. Thanks, Luis!!

Holy frijoles!! This is fantastic!! Going to change one of my client's dashboards right now. Thank you!