Data Input


Have any of you out there used DBI's data input features? Would like to know more about what you did, how you did it, what level of complexity you were able to achieve.


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We attempted to use it in place of an excel file we have that rarely changes but when it does it requires some manual intervention of updating/refreshing the connector etc. However, due to the inability to paste into the Input Transform in the Cube, we scrapped the project. During our testing we were able to get a good Proof of Concept that worked. We had around 14 columns of different data types and were able to add rows via an input dashboard. It simply wasn't worth our time to enter ther 40k+ rows manually.
Great feature, that needs a bit of a "usability for bulk initiation" update.

Let me know if you have further questions.

I use it for building hierarchies. when you are in situation where you want to filter your data on specific values or when you want to build multi level hierarchy where this multi level us nit available in the database but they want to see it on the dashboard or to show the filter with predefined values Specially when i am not the owner of the data source or I don’t have time to seach for tables that contain all list of possible values for a field

This will save my time to do the hierarchy without fetting back to DBA.

I have another use where I want to have some values on data labels on the dashboard for purpose of scripting.

nice thing about it it is user friendly and you can deal with it easly like excel.

It is perfect for small number of values only.

I did a proof of concept for entering forecast figures against projects, the actual and budget figures were pulled into a cube from the core system, I then set up the cube to allow data input of forecast figures by project and period. It worked really well but the only problem is that there is no ability to update/delete from the dashboard view, to modify the figures the users would need to create an adjustment entry (eg. if the user mistakenly entered 30, 000 instead of 20,000 they would need to enter a new value of -10,000).

I created a simple form for the staff in our organisation to more easily submit data into our data warehouse. I used a hidden table, with a member filter attached to it, for staff to select their names from a drop down list. This fills in their ID number, then they select options from three drop down lists. When they click submit, it triggers a data input interaction. We then report on this data elsewhere.

The next thing we need to look at is data validation and character limits for text input.

We're doing something similar and it works well

I had a case were we wanted to update master item table whenever user want to do. So that newly added items should be reflected in dashboard.

I created Data input box on dashboard. So where ever user what he can update the data input box, same will be reflected in dashboard as new item!

After entering the values by user the data goes to cube and only unqiues entries are considered as it is item master and duplicate entries cannot be created.

Thanks to all of you who provided input!

I have tried to do this but in the way our database is setup it doesnt really seem that possible.