Data cube - Calculated Element loses the expressions after disconnect

I have scenarios where I must add a new transformation in my data cube and connect it to calculated element. But when disconnecting the link, all the calculated elements are lost and there is a pain to re-create them. And this becomes more terrible if I fail to note down the exisiting expressions before disconnection.

<break></break>It would be good if the calculated elements retain once created. Also would be useful if the calculated elements can be used as placeholders in the same transformation

I have had this problem many times, and I really hope there is a way to fix it.

As a workaround, try adding the 2nd transform to the cube, before you delete the first one.

1. Starting point: transform1 --> calculatedElement

2. Add a transform: transform1 -- transform2 --> join --> calculatedElement (no need to configure join)

3. Delete first transform: transform2 -->calculatedElement

Another thing that might work is putting anything between the transform and the calculated element (e.g. a conversion or string) and then changing the transform. Seems that the next thing along from the transform gets reset, but not the 2nd thing along.

Thanks for the suggestion. I created a feature request for this in our system.