Dashboard Drill Down, One-to-Many Views (Video Tip)

Dundas BI has many ways to perform drill down/drill through. One common request that we receive is for the ability to drill into one object and show additional related details based on the click. This video will show you how to create a simple dashboard where we drill from one element to a hidden layer containing many others elements.

If you’d like to learn more, I’d recommend you go to my learning channel - Off the Charts (with Jeff).


Very interesting! Thanks @jeff!

Thank you @patrick! This will probably be the first of many on the topic of drill down. There are just so many ways to do it.

Thanks Jeff! I use click interactions to filter the data on the same visuals but I had never thought to do a layer change to drill down into the data on different visuals/levels than the base.

Oh yeah! Being able to chain interactions is something that a lot of people miss and is incredibly powerful. Glad you can benefit from this.

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