Dashboard Bake Off - Radar Chart Edition!

Time to put those dashboarding skills to good use!

With Dundas BI 6 came new data visualizations, one of which was the Radar Chart. And when we unveiled our Snow and Collision Analysis Radar Chart we received a lot of great feedback… turns out, a lot of you thought you could do a better job than us!

So we’re putting that to the test! It’s your turn to shine. I want you to take the data we used to make our Radar Chart, and see if you can:

  • Create something that looks even better
  • Come up with different conclusions

Here’s the Radar Chart we created - think you can do better?

What we’ve done, is created a snow and collision analysis for Toronto (using real data), using a Radar Chart. We wanted to see if there were any correlations between the number of collisions and the time of year (which would impact the weather and the volume of snow on the ground).

While no trends were readily apparent, it was clear there were actually less accidents during the winter months when snow was on the ground. It’s possible this is due to there being fewer vehicles on the road, but more data would be required to validate this assumption.

Now, being the data visualization guru’s you are, I’m sure you can do much better than us! So it’s your turn to shine! I want you to take the data we used, and see if you can come up with different conclusions!

You can download the data we used, here:

Here’s what’s on the line:

  1. I’ll award 300 points for every data visualization I receive (take a screen shot and post it below), as long as it’s different than mine

  2. It would be great if you included a couple of sentences, highlighting the conclusions you were able to come to as well

  3. Our favorite visualization(s) will be featured in our upcoming Innovation Never Rests: Radar Charts blog ( full credit to you! )

So let’s see those visualizations!

Well the only conclusions that I could make was that I could not find any. So I concluded that I needed to make a dashboard so that some one smarter than me could see the data in a better way.
So I made it so that they could side by side change what was being displayed.
The left chart is Weather and the Right is Accidents but you can filter for all sorta of values on the accidents, maybe the weather only makes certain Vehicle Type go up.
Also what Kind of Weather, So I got all the type on there you can see them all at once or one at a time or any combo in-between.

I spent a lot of time looking for a correlation and then more in making it all work, so in the end I just applied the Candy Theme and changed the background color. I fully know this could look a lot better, I went function over form do to time limits. I have the DBIE file if anyone wants it.

That s great i like it