Custom home url for users


My users do not have a home project, they are all using the same one (say “P1”).

All Users have “P1” as active project, and they do have a default view, which kicks in after usual login and works well.

Unfortunately when they click on ‘Home’ or when they go to the root url of the instance, they end up with the message:

Access denied. The “List Folder Contents” privilege is required on “[My Project]”. Request access from the maintainer of the item.

Well, yes, of course, no user has a “[My Project]”.

When they click on “project” on the left-hand side, they can only select “P1”, so that’s fine enough (I would like to completely remove the button but that’s not a big deal).

How can I define a specific home url? The usual view, if it were to try to list “P1” would be enough for my purposes. I just don’t want to display a page where then actually cannot go back from.


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You can do so using the “Always Use Custom Home Page” config setting (showing under the admin --> setup --> config). This setting will ensure that whenever the users click on the home button from the main (left) menu they are routed to their default view and not to the Dundas BI default home. This setting is also mentioned under this blog that covers navigation options in Dundas BI.

Yes, I missed that indeed. Thanks a lot, it works perfectly!