Creating a Custom Diagram Visualization (Video Tip)

Did you know that Dundas BI allows you to draw and attach data to your own custom diagrams? Be creative; there are likely numerous applications in your business where a custom diagram might make for an appropriate data visualization. It is well documented that visually appealing content is more trusted by users and will help increase your engagement.

I’ll show you how. After watching this video, you’ll have the capability to create some great floor plans, custom workflows, or anything visual you want.

If you’d like to learn more, I’d recommend you go to my learning channel - Off the Charts (with Jeff).


Thanks Jeff, is it possible to make this diagrams screen responsive

Hi @muralikrishna, Diagrams (like any control on the dashboard) are not responsive but you can have them participate in responsive layout. Basically, build a responsive dashboard and include diagrams like you would any other visualization and you’ll get what you need.

There is also a larger video on the subject of diagrams if you’re interested. Hope you like it.

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Somehow I missed this comment, my apologies!!! Better a year late than never, I guess.

A diagram can undoubtedly be part of a dashboard that is responsive; this is more about the layout you choose for the whole dashboard rather than the diagram control itself. Making a responsive dashboard would be the same process regardless of the existence of a diagram. Here’s a great article that we have on the subject.