Thanks to this video https://www.dundas.com/resources/off-the-charts-tips-from-an-expert/elevate-your-dashboards-reports/extend-your-data-with-dundasscript, I was able to count days between a start date and today’s date. Now I need to take out weekends and holidays…has anyone done anything like this before?
I did this in Tableua by doing some calculations on the number of weeks between the days, and then taking out 2 days per week. I had a separate calculation determining the number of holidays between start date and today, and subtracted that out as well. It wasn’t perfect, but got us “close enough”.
Once I have that, I’ll also need to do something similar and add a set number of work days to today to figure out when we’d expect to hit a target (in the future).
For more context, the use case is basically I have a target of $x, and I need to show how much of $x has happened to date, how much is left to go, and when we expect to hit $x, but using only workdays and not weekends and hoidays.
Thank you in advance!