Colorblind-Friendly Bar and/or Pie Charts

I have to create a dashboard that includes bar graphs and pie charts that is friendly to people with color blindness. there are various types of color blindness and choosing the correct color, in my opinion, is not going to be easy.

I read one recommendation to create a friendly color blindness bar or pie chart, is applying different fill textures or using different shapes.

Question: Does anyone know how to create a bar/pie chart using fill textures or different shapes?

Hi Alice,

As far as I know in Look -> Data Point Palette, when clicking on a color, you can customize the Data Point color by adding strokes that could distinguish one color from another for colorblind people.

I hope this helps.

Hi Alice,

Different Stroke settings could help, but you can also click to expand the Fill settings for more options besides solid colors, such as images with any desired textures or patterns you want to use. You can adjust the image settings such as allowing it to “repeat”.

In practice those sorts of patterns or textures don’t seem to be very common, possibly because most color blind people have issues only between certain colors, most commonly between red and green. It should also be possible to tell the difference between color hues that look the same but have different intensities. This online tool has a few examples of color blind friendly palettes along with the ability to input your own colors to try to simulate what they will look like: