Cleanup Dundas Databases

Cleanup Dundas Databases

Issue: As above, due to missing preventive maintenance of the databases we had to migrate projects to new instances due to malfunctions

Possible cause: Health check not performed correctly or not displaying in the result the identified issues

we run the Health check with no issues in the result (for the instance described above)
we run the dt.exe in Command prompt and we identified a lot of issues on the same instance database

What tasks are performed when running the Health check from Dundas BI interface?
What tasks are performed by your support team when receiving a damaged App and warehouse DB to fix it? We are asking this because due to customer confidentiality constrains we cannot manipulate their databases outside their network.

What task can be performed on the App and Warehouse DB (expect Health check) to prevent possible issues

Thank you! :wink:

  1. When performing the health check, it doesn’t matter whether it’s run from the UI or the command line. The same checks are run. The only difference is that when from the command line, some extensions may not have been loaded (especially in older versions), which may cause some checks to fail that shouldn’t

  2. Repairing a damaged App DB is a special case - a last resort when no other option can be found to get things going again. Because a damaged App DB is an unexpected case, each one is different, and needs its own investigation and unique fix. The repair is normally done by a developer, not by support.

  3. Normally there aren’t any issues with the app/warehouse databases. If you have specific problems, I encourage you to submit a request to Dundas Support, including all the relevant details about the error, and of course including the version of Dundas BI that you are using.

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Thank you! I’m just curious what task are performed or querries on databases to fix or check it.

The list of health checks is available here

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