Hi, we'd like to change the dundas loading pie chart that shows up between running different dashboards. C:\Program Files\Dundas Data Visualization Inc\Dundas BI\Instances\[INSTANCE NAME]\www\BIWebsite\Content\Images\splash-loading.svg . My question is can we swap out this file with an animated GIF file? We are thinking of having a spinning circle or some type of branded content instead as a nice touch.
Change the Dundas pie chart graphic to animated gif
You can swap that file with any other SVG file.
If you want to use something other than SVG, an alternative would be to disable the splash screen and apply a custom loading layer to your dashboards.
To disable the splash screen, find Disable Splash Screen in the Application Configuration window.
You can use the Create a Custom Loading Layer sample from our Script Library to start developing the custom loading layer.
To avoid applying the layer to each dashboard, you can add it as a function to the JavaScript override file. See the article on Staying organized with developing scripts for more details regarding this option.