Cannot change my Cube email


I am trying to change my cube email, but every time (since a few days at least) I try I get the message

There was an error processing your request. Rest assured - we’ve been notified!

How could I do it?


Hmmm… what steps were you taking to change your email? I assume Email (from your Edit Profile), but just want to confirm.

I’m not able to replicate the error, but I can still fix it for you; would you mind taking a screenshot of the error message and sending me an email with the steps you took to try and change it?

HI Jordan,

Thanks for that. I feel like I am cursed with non-reproductible errors at the moment :frowning:

I clicked on my name (top left) > profile > pen icon > email.
There I enter my new email.

If I leave the password field blank or supply a wrong password, I have a message “doesn’t match”.

If I supply the right password, I have the following message:

I tried under Chrome and Firefox, Linux.

In case somebody has the same issue…

The problem is that you can change your email address to an address with a + in it, but not from such an address. A bug report has been submitted. And sorry @jordan.zenko to have you change my address once more :slight_smile: