Hi! I’m still working on figuring out how to do things in Dundas vs. Tableau, and in Tableau, I would have a lot of custom text calculated fields for various things. I don’t seem to be able to find a way to do this in Dundas. It looks like you can only create a formula for a measure, so if I put something that returns a string at all, it puts Constant() around it and shows as blank on a metric set?
One thing I did, is if my survey data was coming in a pivoted form from the database (Question and Response as columns instead of having a column for each question), to avoid having another data prep step outside of Tableau Desktop, I could simply use a Fixed calculation with a MIN() or MAX() function–which work alphabetically on strings–to get that information for whatever level of detail it applied to. So for instance, it would be something like
{FIXED [Respondent ID], [Date], [Survey ID] : IF [Question Label] = "Company" THEN MAX([Response])}
and that would create a new column with the Company of every survey respondent because all the sample data for a respondent was consistent and didn’t change at the question level. Is the only way for me to do this now to ask those with a developer license to do it in the data cube?
I can’t remember all other use cases, but those MIN() and MAX() functions were really helpful since they also worked on strings and fixed expressions needed to be aggregated, but I can’t find anything similar in Dundas.
I also used calculated text fields a lot to combine fields for labels–like creating a custom Associate Name + " " + username field (some Associates have the same name but have unique usernames, so this will aggregate differently also–and actually for us needs to incorporate if-then logic because some Associates don’t have a username).
I would also create whole new text fields using case statements to translate numeric responses to text or group them differently if it wasn’t already available in the data, or a single text field that could display static text with the field name as a header.
Can I do any of this without a developer license in Dundas?