Aws Cognito and Dundas

Someone worked with Authentication connection via AWS Cognito?
I inserted the necessary information into the Federation Manifest, but when I redirect to cognito, I get an invalid_request error. An error was encountered with the requested page.


To troubleshooting this issue could you please provide the following information

  1. Dundas BI Version number
  2. Federation Manifest details
  3. Error screenshot please expand technical details as well

last version of the dundas
In manifest I have ProtocolId - OpenIdConnect and Properties with metadataAddress, clientId and clientSecret

error screen - /error?error=invalid_request&client_id=…


Generally Dundas BI support OpenID Connect and SAML 2.0 authentication protocols. If AWS Cognito implements one of those as an identity provider, then it should work. I think we need to looking into this issue further. Could you please send this inquiry to our Dundas support ( Please include the manifest details screenshot . Its look like the issue with Federation Manifest details